Dallas, TX
June 27, 2024
Digital Fight CLub is now a TV show! Join us for the live filming of Episode 1 – Digital Fight Club: Cybersecurity 2024 back at the birthplace of DFC — the historic Granada Theater.
Corporate CIOs and CISOs from around the country gave us challenging cybersecurity issues and we’re having top VAR/MSSP execs duke it out on stage in a raucous debate with an audience of cyber pros voting for a winner.
Tired of hearing the same ‘ol same ‘ol at cybersecurity conferences? Tired of being kissed up to or not being able to speak your mind in a proposal?
So are we.
- Fight 1: Critical Infrastructure
- Fight 2: Media, Hollywood & Cybersecurity
- Fight 3: Securing AI in an Organization
Only 40 CISOs, 40 VARs/MSSPs, 10 Vendors and their teams may attend. Everyone gets to vote for the winners. No pressure.
Mayhem, indeed!
The Fight Format
- Opening salvo: 30 seconds each
- Rebuttal #1: 15 seconds each
- Rebuttal #2: 15 seconds each
- Rebuttal #3: 15 seconds each
- Ref question #1: 15 seconds each
- Rebuttal #3: 15 seconds each
- Ref question #2: 15 seconds each
- Rebuttal #4: 15 seconds each
Not sure what a Digital Fight Club is?
Watch Rob Kim – CTO, Presidio spar with John Shin – CISO, RSI Security on AI & Cybersecurity.
Produced by:

Fight 1
Critical Infrastructure

Sean Tufts
Sean Tufts
Managing Partner, Optiv
- Power & Manufacturing guru
- Former Carolina Panther
- Buffalo

Joanna Dempsey
Joanna dempsey
- Former aerospace geek
- Actually enjoys Govt work
- Dukes
Fight 2
Media, Hollywood & Cybersecurity

Taber West
Taber West
CTO, OneTier
- Former Los Alamos engineer
- Pitched Steve Jobs
- Golden eagle

Dave Ackley
Dave Ackley
CEO, Goliath Cyber
- McAfee & Intel vet
- Contrarian
- Hunter
Fight 3
Securing AI in an Organization

Tera Davis
Tera Davis
CEO, Cyber One
- Recovering channel manager
- Founder
- Aggie

Franz Fiorim
Franz Fiorim
Field CTO, Trend Micro
- Data center geek
- Longtime Trend Micro loyalist
- IFES in Brazil
Head of Information Security, Crunchy Roll
- Lifelong corp cyber guy
- Brief stint on the VAR-side
- Cowboy

CISO, Texas Instruments
- Lifelong TI vet
- Hi Tech focus
- Mean Green
CISO, Kimberly Clark
- Critical Infrastructure nut
- Navy Intel officer
- Rowdy Raider