Dallas, TX @ The Granada Theater
October 26, 2023
We asked top corporate CMOs to give us challenging marketing issues and we’re having top ad agency execs duke it out on stage in a raucous debate.
Tired of hearing the same ‘ol same ‘ol at marketing conferences? Tired of being kissed up to or not being able to speak your mind in a proposal?
So are we.
- Fight 1: Marketing to an audience that thinks no one gets them: Gen Z
- Fight 2: Rise of the machines: AI in Marketing
- Fight 3: Brands & Culture: “Woke” marketing?
- Fight 4: How do you measure ROI anymore?
- Fight 5: Testing new platforms without wasting time & money
- Fight 6: Who controls the narrative: Consumer or Brand?
Only 40 CMOs, 40 Agencies and 10 Vendors may attend. Everyone gets to vote for the winners. No pressure.
Mayhem, indeed!
The Fight Format
- Opening salvo: 30 seconds each
- Rebuttal #1: 15 seconds each
- Rebuttal #2: 15 seconds each
- Ref question #1: 15 seconds each
- Rebuttal #3: 15 seconds each
- Ref question #2: 15 seconds each
- Rebuttal #4: 15 seconds each
Event Timeline:
5:30pm – VIP Reception @ Sundown Saloon (attached to Granada)
6:00pm – Granada Doors open for GA cocktails
7:00pm – First punch thrown
8:00pm-ish – After Party @ Sundown Saloon
Not sure what a Digital Fight Club is?
Watch Jennifer Zientz spar with Michelle Adams on brain health.
Produced by:

Fight 1
Marketing to an audience that thinks no one gets them: Gen Z

Kevin Williams
Kevin Williams
Creative Director, VMLY&R
- Brand-side vet
- Frequent design director
- Mean Green

Mateen Aini
Mateen Aini
CEO, Villain
- Former TMA
- Buyer for Target
- Badger
Fight 2
Rise of the machines: AI in marketing

Dani Mariano
Dani Mariano
President, Razorfish
- Brand-side vet
- Held every marketing role in the book
- Bruin

Corbett Guest
Corbett Guest
President, Imaginuity
- Nerdy ad-tech agency ceo guy
- Musician
- Blaze the Mascot
Fight 3
Brands & Culture: “Woke” marketing?

Aldo Quevedo
Aldo Quevedo
CEO, Beautiful Beast
- LERMA, Dieste, Oglivy vet
- Culture & Arts freak
Tecnológico de Monterrey

John Kiker
John Kiker
President, Medium Giant
- Integer vet
- Agency lifer, PR refugee
- Boomer Sooner
Fight 4
How do you measure ROI anymore?

Reid Carr
Reid Carr
CEO, Red Door
- Agency lifer
- Social activist
- Duck

Amy Lanzi
Amy Lanzi
CEO, Digitas
- Lifelong commerce vet
- 20 year TPN vet
- Pony Up!
Fight 5
Testing new platforms without wasting time & money

Chris Schembri
Chris Schembri
CEO, Aletheia
- Camelot vet
- Former media buyer
- Lancer

Preston Larson
Preston Larson
Chief Planning Officer, UM
- Team One vet
- Agency lifer
- Bobcat
Fight 6
Who controls the narrative: Consumer or Brand?

Corey Austin
Corey Austin
Head of Strategy, Cheil
- TRG vet
- Butterfinger Funtern
- Fightin Illini

Ron Tite
Ron Tite
Founder, Church+State
- Havas vet
- Standup comedian
- Boo Hoo the Bear
CMO, Smoothie King
- Pizza Hut & Anheuser-Busch vet
- Monster Energy!
- Tiger

CMO, Pernod Ricard
- Longtime Pepsi vet
- Imagineer
- Fighting Cardinal
CMO, GoHealth Urgent Care
- Former Michael’s CMO
- Eyemart Express
- The Valiants

CMO, Samsung Mobile
- CPG marketing genius
- Former biotech marketer
- Bruin
CMO, Tenet Health Care
- JC Penny & KDP vet
- Recovering consultant
- Gig ’em!

Corner Sponsors
These are the folks walking the Fight Cards across the stage throwing swag.

Revelry Sponsors
These are the folks keeping a steady flow of cocktails and other goodies making your night more than fabulous.

Here’s how to participate:
No tickets will be made available to the general public. Agencies and Brands attend as a unit. Their people register individually with codes we give them once they have been accepted into the event. A few lucky vendors get to sponsor.
Brand CMOs (or equivalent) and their teams go for free and must be agency users
- 1 – VIP ticket
- Virtual VIP reception (Brand CMOs and Agency CEOs)
- Must be CMO or equivalent
- 4 – GA tickets
- Must be on brand marketing team
- After Party access
How do you get access as a brand?
- Your CMO or equivalent needs to attend. This is not a “send my minions” sort of event.
- You need to be a brand that uses agencies. Or is about to. This is the place to do your recon.
- Bring your Dir of Media, Creative, some AMs
Email Michael Pratt at mike@digitalfightclub.co to get a code.
There are no “pay for play” speaking roles. Participating agencies chip in to help us cover costs by buying a “block” that suits their needs. You can also get a vendor to give you tickets if they want.
There are 3 levels.
- Entry: $500
- 2 – GA tickets
- After Party access
- Must be agency employees
- Standard: $1,250
- 1 – VIP ticket
- VIP Recpetion access
- After Party access
- VIP parking
- 4 – GA tickets
- After Party access
- Must be agency employees
- 1 – VIP ticket
- Premium: $2,000
- 2 – VIP tickets
- VIP Reception access
- After Party Access
- VIP parking
- VIP seating
- 8 – GA tickets
- After Party access
- Must be agency employees
- 2 – VIP tickets
There are only 40 agency blocks available. 10 of those are for the 10 agency CEO fighter slots.
Grab a block for your agency now
You know that brands and agencies don’t like to be smothered by wealthy ad tech vendors! So we only let a few participate. Email Michael Pratt at mike@digitalfightclub.co for a sponsor packet. You might be the one of the lucky!