June 9, 2021
Tired of boring Zoom calls? So are we. We’re turning the virtual event world on it’s head with the first Digital Fight Club, Virtual Edition.
Just like IRL, we’re putting 2 experts in their fields up against each other in front of a raucous virtual audience.
What does that look like?
- Experience the fights with your friends on your own virtual couch
- React verbally and electronically like you would in person
- Network by moving to another couch
We do this in front of hundreds CEOs, technologists, entrepreneurs and investors not to mention thousands in the audience.
So there is no pressure.
Then we let the refs and audience (that’s you) vote for a winner within the virtual experience. That’s not boring. That’s fun.
…and you might learn something.
- Fight 1: Future of Retail: Distribution, Shopping & Stores
- Fight 2: Future of Work: Remote Work, Culture & Technology
- Fight 3: Post-Pandemic Collective Displacement: How brands engage with consumers
- Fight 4: Health Care: Remote Care & Innovation
The audience and Refs will pick the fight winners within the Digital Fight Club virtual experience. Mayhem, indeed!
Not sure what a Digital Fight Club is?
Watch Becca Weigman and Eric Myers spar over the ad agency model of the future.
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Fight 1
Future of Retail: Distribution, Shopping & Stores

Roee Adler
Roee Adler
CEO & Co-Founder, Santa
- 1st former DFC ref to become a fighter
- Multiple exits
- Former Judoka

Steve Dennis
Steve Dennis
President, SageBerry
- Author, bestseller “Remarkable Retail”
- Neiman & Sears vet
- Not an ESPN radio host
Fight 2
Future of Work: Remote Work, Culture & Technology

Nick Clark
Nick Clark
CEO, Common Desk
- Workplace guru
- Airstream lover
- Coffee purveyor

Sam Bloom
Sam Bloom
CEO, Camelot Strategic Marketing & Media
- One of the largest media buyers in the country
- Used to sell video cassettes
- Wahoo
Fight 3
Post-Pandemic Collective Displacement: How Brands engage with consumers

Pedro Lerma
Pedro Lerma
- Iconic Hispanic agency visionary
- Remarkably consumer intuitive
- Gorgeous hair

Matt Powell
Matt Powell
CEO, Moroch
- Dallas native
- Culture & Media maven
- Does not like Whoppers
Fight 4
Health Care: Remote Care & Innovation

Hubert Zajicek
Hubert Zajicek
CEO, Health Wildcatters
- MD
- Entrepreneur
- Native Austrian

Lyndsey Harper
Lyndsey Harper
CEO, Rosy
- MD, Attending @ Baylor
- Entrepreneur & healthcare disruptor
- Married to a DFC winner
Managing Director, Innovation Lead, Accenture
- Analytics nerd
- Prefers R to Matlab
- Another Cali transplant

CTO, McKesson
- Pharma nerd
- Cali transplant
- Likes to help save lives
VP, Emerging Technology, Walmart
- Machine Learning afficiando
- Dreams about R subroutines
- Hoosier

CIO, Kimberly Clark
- Pepsi not Coke
- Computer Scientist
- Moutaineer
NTX Inno / Dallas Business Journal
- Former teacher
- lover of Motorcycles and tech startups
- Frustrated Radish gardener